Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening Treatments


Aesthetic problems in teeth can be in the shape and position of the teeth, and in some cases, the colors of the teeth can also create an aesthetic problem. Teeth can be colored by internal and external reasons. Extrinsic coloration; It may occur due to excessive consumption of coloring beverages such as tea, coffee and wine, acid and trauma, abrasions and scratches on the tooth surface, some drugs used, consumption of abrasive and coloring foods, tooth brushing habits and cigarette consumption. The first treatment approach in external staining is to remove the stains on the tooth surface by mechanical processes. Subsequently, the diet and habits of the patient are tried to be regulated and the re-coloration is tried to be prevented.


Intrinsic (internal) staining occurs mostly with the effects that occur during tooth development. Some systemic diseases that occur during the growth and development period, some hereditary diseases that also affect tooth development, some drugs used in this period, exposure to excessive fluoride, internal bleeding in the tooth due to trauma, previous faulty root canal treatments cause internal tooth discoloration. they become.


How are teeth whitened?


Treatment approaches in the internal coloration of teeth vary according to whether the vitality of the tooth continues and whether the coloration involves a single tooth or more than one tooth. Discoloration in a single tooth may be mostly due to trauma or previous root canal treatments. A traumatized tooth can lose its vitality, and in this case, the tooth becomes colored. Some canal filling materials used during root-canal treatment may also cause discoloration in the teeth.


In a tooth that has lost its vitality, root canal treatment is applied first, and then bleaching agents are placed in the prepared canal space and the color of the tooth is bleached. In the coloration due to the existing root canal treatment, first of all, the excess canal filling causing the coloring in the cavity opened for the filling is removed and bleaching agents are placed in the cavity and the color of the tooth is bleached. After the follow-up sessions, after the tooth regains its natural color, it is permanently filled and the treatment is terminated.


In some cases, the coloration includes all teeth in both jaws. In this case, the bleaching agent is applied to the tooth surfaces after the teeth are isolated. With the help of light sources specially prepared for this process, the bleaching process is usually completed in one session.


What should be considered after bleaching?


After the procedure, especially foods with coloring potential and beverages such as tea, coffee, cola and wine should be consumed carefully. The consumption of foods that we counted for a few days after the bleaching process should be reduced.


As with the filling process, in some cases, after the bleaching process, sensitivity may occur in the teeth against stimuli such as cold-hot. Possible sensitivities disappear within a few hours to a few days.

Important Note: All content on the Flydent website is for informational purposes only. Please consult your physician for diagnosis and treatment.