Root Canal Treatment

What is Root Canal Treatment (Endodontics)?


Root canal treatment (Endodontics) is the field of dentistry that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of the inflammation of the surrounding tooth tissues caused by the pulp connective tissue in the tooth roots.


One of the main causes of tooth deficiencies (tooth extraction) is the inflammation that occurs in the pulp connective tissue in the tooth roots and spreads to the surrounding tooth tissues. Pain due to a stimulus or, in some cases, existing connective tissue (pulp) inflammations that start spontaneously can cause serious problems affecting the quality of life of the individual. Untreated pulp connective tissue inflammation can also be the cause of serious health problems such as cardiovascular system diseases.

The aim of the root canal treatment process is to fill the cavity prepared in the root canals with tissue-friendly materials following the mechanical removal of the inflamed pulp connective tissue, and to extend the clinical life of the tooth.


What causes dental pulp inflammation?


Teeth are one of the most basic elements of the digestive system with their chewing functions. The foods we chew hold on the tooth surface and in the spaces between the teeth. The food residues attached here should be removed with an effective tooth brushing and interface cleaning (dental floss-interface brush). When an effective oral hygiene cannot be provided; Cariogenic bacteria on the tooth surface release acid by using these food residues. These acids cause the dissolution of the hard tissues of the teeth and the formation of tooth decay accordingly. When initial dental caries are not treated, they reach the pulp connective tissue in the middle of the tooth and cause this tissue to become inflamed.


Chewing is a dynamic process and the closing relationship of the teeth in the opposing jaws governs this dynamic process. Disturbances in this bite relationship may cause some teeth to not touch and some to excessive contact. Lack of contact can lead to food accumulation on tooth surfaces and, consequently, to tooth decay development by preventing mechanical cleaning. Excessive contact may result in trauma to the teeth. In this case, the pulp connective tissue of the teeth exposed to trauma is also affected, and when the trauma does not disappear, the connective tissue becomes inflamed.


Apart from long-term traumas, in some cases, teeth are also exposed to sudden and severe traumas. Accidents and sudden blows to the teeth can also cause trauma, causing irreversible inflammation of the dental pulp.


Inadequate oral care causes problems in the dental support tissues as well as decays in the teeth. This process, which starts with bleeding and redness in the gums, causes loss of support bones if not treated. The inflammation that starts here may follow the root surface and reach the root tip of the tooth and in this way result in inflammation of the pulp connective tissue.


Previous deep restorations may also result in irreversible inflammation of the pulp connective tissue in some cases.


How to understand pulp connective tissue inflammation?


Inflammation in the pulp connective tissue can occur in two ways. One of these is reversible inflammation of the pulp. When the pulp is inflamed reversibly, sensitivity and pain occur in the tooth in thermal changes such as hot and cold. The consumption of sweet foods also causes the development of sensitivity and pain in the teeth. However, at this stage of inflammation, the pain disappears shortly after the agent goes away. At this stage, the tooth can be treated with a more conservative approach, filling treatment.


However, the pain that occurs when the pulp connective tissue becomes irreversibly inflamed is more acute. While hot stimuli trigger the pain, cold stimuli relieve the pain. Pain occurs during chewing on the tooth as the inflammation spreads to the tissues around the root of the tooth. The patient avoids using his / her teeth. After a while, pain in the tooth starts and continues for a long time. In this case, the treatment that should be done is root canal treatment.


How is root canal treatment performed?


Root canal treatment is not a painful treatment contrary to popular belief. After adequate dental anesthesia, the inflamed pulp connective tissue is mechanically removed from the pulp cavity in the tooth roots. Following the removal of pulp connective tissue, the prepared root canal cavity is filled using tissue-friendly materials. After the root canal filling is checked with a radiography, the prepared entrance cavity is closed with a tissue-friendly direct filling material or an indirect coating prepared in the laboratory.

Important Note: All content on the Flydent website is for informational purposes only. Please consult your physician for diagnosis and treatment.